Preservation Program
Microfilming & Digitization
As genealogists, historical records are essential in our understanding family and regional histories. WNYGS is committed to preserving and sharing local resources and helping document those individuals who called Western New York home.
Our Preservation Program preserves old church, cemetery, and historical records of genealogical significance in Western New York. After project review and approval by the Board, the society will microfilm and/or digitize any records, preferably from the 19th century and earlier, that have not previously been preserved. WNYGS will staff and/or fund the project and furnish the recordholder with a copy of the materials. In return, the society will receive copies which will then be placed in the Zintz Library Collection for member and researcher use.
Scanning documents for our enhanced bible and marriage records indexing project.
Project Possibilities
Are you a recordholder seeking a preservation partner?
Are there important or at-risk materials the society should be made aware of?
Please email the Preservation Chair with any suggestions, leads, and possibilities.
Recent Society Projects
Erie & Niagara Counties:
Click link above for full project description.
St. Columba's R.C. Church Parishioner Index (1938-1940)
(Buffalo, NY)
[Compiled from Zintz Library collection holdings: 974.7 ER BUF 1938 chu sca; 974.7 ER BUF 1939 chu sca; 974.7 ER BUF 1940 chu sca]
Genesee County:
Church Book of the German Lutheran Concordia Church / German Evangelical Lutheran Concordia Church
(Byron, NY)
Church Book of the German Evangelical Lutheran St. Paul’s - Gemeinde U.A.C. of East Oakfield / Oakfield German Lutheran Church
(Oakfield, NY)

Conducting church record inventory prior to microfilming.

On-site image capture for record indexing project.
Transcription & Indexing Committee
An important component of the WNYGS mission is to further member access to Western New York-related genealogy documents. Through the years, this undertaking has made a considerable amount of records available, all through the efforts of our dedicated volunteers.
Are you are interested in making a difference by volunteering to transcribe or index? You are encouraged to contact the Transcriptions Committee Chair at